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Research/Theorized Essays

Different essays that portrayed a subjective opinion based on critical analysis.

Watchmen: The Adaptation vs The Replacement

Throughout multiple genres of media, we encounter different adaptations over time, whether its comics, films, or even novelizations.  At these times it is not in the vision of the original creator but more so in the vision of the creator in charge of the adaptation.  Based on Walter Benjamin’s work of the Art of mechanical reproduction, Benjamin argues how, in summarization, it is the person behind the lens that shows the audience what he/she wants to show to their eye.

Sula: The Modernist Tragic Hero

It’s not to say the entire story of Sula is on par with the action-packed, exaggerated hijinks that the hero genre or religious mythos is known for, but rather along the terms of the modernist tragic hero: through identity, the protagonist versus society, and post-modern morality.

Film Genre: Invoking the 'Other'

A critical analysis showcasing the perception of African American portrayal in Film to the rhetorical psychology of 'The Other'.

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